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Alexandria Woman Is Also a Funny Girl

As soon as Barbra Streisand became famous, so did I. Although I'm younger than Barbra. And my husband is a whole lot better looking than James Brolin. He loves when I say that.

I'm not a dead ringer. People know the difference. What I get is more "It's amazing how much you look like her" or "Are you related to Barbra?" In a restaurant I might overhear, "Doesn't she look like Barbra Streisand?" But no, I could not get into an event in Hollywood.

Strangers walk up to me all the time and ask if I can sing. Yes, I can, a little. No, I don't sound like Barbra.

The funniest question I am asked is, "Have you always looked like Barbra?" I usually say, "No, as a matter of fact, up until two weeks ago I looked like Sylvester Stallone." Most people, if they can walk up to a stranger on the street, they have a good sense of humor. I meet a lot of people that way.

It's flattering. However, sometimes people don't get to know me because they can't get past my looks. I'm a motivational speaker. In my seminars, I talk about looking like Barbra right away. It defuses the situation.

I don't try to be her. I enjoy being myself. It's a lot more relaxing.

© 2002 Washingtonian Magazine Story
by Sherri Dalphonse
Photo by Erica Berger/Outline


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